Turning furniture into art Now and then, everybody gets the urge to sink their teeth into something more substantial than the usual DIY project. Whether..
July 12, 2021
Colorblock Storage Boxes
The key to simplicity is color Often in life, overthinking something can be just as fatal as not thinking about it at all. Storage and..
June 5, 2021
Glass Paint Bathroom Jar Makeover
Using details to change the mood Over our lifetime, we spend a lot of time in our bathrooms. Often, we forget that a space like..
April 11, 2021
Pantone inspired Office Objects
Bringing your space up to date The Pantone color trends have been major influencing trends for design, fashion, homewares, and all things color for many..
February 20, 2021
Faded, Stone, and Sprayed
LOOKING AT YOUR SURROUNDINGS FOR INSPIRATION AND IDEAS Ideas are worth their weight in gold. To see something, and then turn it into so-mething..
February 3, 2021
Pink and Purple Trays
FOLD-UP TABLES TO EASILY PUT AWAY There is never a wrong time to have a TV tray. Why? Not only because you can put your..
January 25, 2021
allspraypainted Magazine Issue #3
The unforgettable year that was To say 2020 was a challenging year that we may remember is an understatement. Even more reason to roll into..
December 16, 2020
Metallic Paper Stars
Easy Decoration MAde of PAper Stars are great shapes. Inspired by those shiny little lights that we see in the clear night skies, they represent..
December 1, 2020
Frosted White Christmas Decor
Dreaming of a white Christmas The house is clean, the gifts are made (or at worst bought), and the weather is cold outside. It’s obvious..
November 16, 2020
allspraypainted meets Carolin Kaiser
allspraypainted meets visual artist CAROLIN KAISER With a breath of fresh air as part of the new Allspraypainted Meets series, we focus on professional creators..
October 28, 2020
Wooden Box Sideboard
Personal furniture that works Finding the right balance between practical furniture and functional furniture is often harder than it sounds. Every home has those little..
October 18, 2020
Easy Pumpkin DIYs for Halloween
Gardens not required As we reach the end of October and November nears, it is time to get our spook on and celebrate Halloween. In..
October 7, 2020
Acetone Art Table Lamp
Creating a mood with functional art Light and lighting is an essential part of how we see the world and how it makes us feel…
September 12, 2020
Painted Wooden Animal Heads
Cool Minimalist Wall Decor If you’re not familiar with Cardboard Safari, you will be now. Famous for their cool cardboard, wooden, and acrylic DIY sculptures,..
August 16, 2020
Hexagonal Marble Clock
Passing time the way you like When you get home from a hard day, there is nothing more liberating than taking the cell phone from..
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