Creating a MARBLE art wall With the New Color GOld The Montana MARBLE 400ml can range has always been our favorite range for creating any..
October 12, 2019
Metallic Dipped Pumpkins
Modernizing a halloween classic Halloween is a great time to get your DIY on. Make some cool decor and of course, get dressed up. But..
October 2, 2019
The new Montana GLITTER colors
Giving home wares some Glitter elegance There is always something captivating about seeing light reflect off glitter particles. Even more so when said light..
September 19, 2019
Frosted Glass Effect
Testing the new Montana Glass Paint At ALLSPRAYPAINTED we love what we do. And it’s easy to love your work when you have lots..
August 23, 2019
Pink and Yellow Stools
Eye catching stools for more than just sitting on When most people think of stools they probably think of the seating in bars and cafe’s…
July 9, 2019
Metallic Soap Dispenser
Embellish you bathroom the easy way The choices of tones and effects are limitless to being spontaneous and let your imagination run free, with the..
June 29, 2019
Glow in the Dark Letters
A pleasant surprise when the lights go off I love visiting my friends and loosing myself in the pictures and paintings on their walls. In..
June 9, 2019
Striped Gradient Clock
“What’s the time” in style OK.. Is it me, or is there no clocks anywhere anymore these days? Finding the time when you don’t have..
May 22, 2019
Gradient Wooden Blocks
Big is sometimes better when it comes to wood Hold up! Have you seen those beautiful wooden blocks that are now available as home furniture and..
April 30, 2019
Simple Ceramic Makeover
To impress – just add color Do these two scenarios sound familiar at all? *A quiet rainy day. You finished your book the night before and there..
April 1, 2019
Metallic Effect Bowls
Adding a splash of Metallic color to nature There is no doubt that mother nature has it all under control when it comes to natural color. Nothing..
March 28, 2019
Granit Style Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs the natural way Believe me, you’re not the only person that sometimes feels as if you’re running out of ideas. Falling into the..
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