A touch of history in your own home
As a kid growing up, I was always impressed by the old yellowing photos and news clippings that seemed to be mandatory decor in the homes of my grandparents and their friends that lived in their neighbourhood The stories these pictures told facinated me and I was always keen to know the history behind them.
In a world of modern, fast paced digital everything, I wanted to add a touch of history and vintage to my home, just as I’d always loved as a kid. Thanks to Montana VINTAGE SPRAY FILTER, this was going to be a breeze.
With my spraying area already covered with scrap paper in the garage, I was almost ready to start. The hard part was choosing the photos and newspaper clippings that I wanted to convert. In the end I decided on 2 photos and a newspaper article that seemed apt for the times. The headline reads, „Upheaval in the energy markets“.
2-3 minutes of shaking meant that my Montana VINTAGE SPRAY FILTER was ready to go.
After removing the safety ring from under the nozzle, we re-applied it and applied the first coats to our photos. First coat in one direction, second in the other. The more coats we applied, the more yellowed and vintage the effect became.
With the newspaper clipping I felt I wanted to add a little touch of color to bring together the new with the old. And a stencil of the globe as an old alarm clock seemed to be the perfect symbology to connect the issue of global energy consumption and the effects to our earth. My favourite Montana GOLD color was at the ready and after masking off the rest of the picture from color and overspray, I applied a splash of color. Now this I never saw in my grandparents house. The final touch was a beautiful simple frame I had laying around which became the new home form y new artwork.
It was that easy. Happy crafting!