Marble Plant Stand

Mixing nature with creativity on many levels

Flower and plant stands can be beautiful when the flora that is on them is eye-catching. Flower stands that are created in interesting forms and shapes can also be appealing. But what if we mix beautiful plants and flowers, a cool-looking multi-level display stand, and the amazing new Montana MARBLE 400ml color yellow? If you want to see for yourself read on and be inspired.

Materials used

How we did it

The hardest part of this project is finding the plant and flower stand as you want it to be. If you are lucky like we were, a variation you like could be found at a decor store, hardware store, or furnishings store. And if you want to get even more creative, design one yourself in wood and make it exactly as you want it.

Our stand was already white as standard. This saved us priming it with one of the applicable Montana PRIMER sprays. But even if yours is not primed, by now slapping on a coat of Montana PRIMER should be no sweat for you. And if you don’t know which one or want one for all materials, go for the Universal PRIMER.

Starting with the Montana GOLD Shrimp Pastel color, we took our pre shaken can and applied thin even coats onto all the legs which we had dismantled before getting started. Our craft paper drop sheet worked perfectly to catch the recess paint. Allowing the legs to dry, we then turned to our stand tops which were in variations of circles, and the main base was almost like a painting palette in shape. All the pieces were clean, dry, and smooth to start with before we coated them with the Montana GOLD White Lilac can. As with all the cans we use, we had shaken them thoroughly for 2-3 minutes before use and removed the black safety rings from under the nozzle.

This was enough for day one of the project. Although we had only done 30 minutes of actual work, allowing the legs and tops to dry gave us time to get back to real life for a while. The following day, it was time to add the finishing touches. First, the part we love most, applying the new Montana MARBLE 400ml spray in the color yellow. Purple and yellow are complementary colors so this was an ideal color combo. At a distance of 15-25cm away from the tops, we passed over each top to allow the MARBLE spray to color it. Each top had a MARBLE coating at different speeds, resulting in the marble color effect being either thin or thick in color.

The more space between the strands of paint, the thinner the color. The less space, the thicker the coating appeared. The main base of the stand that held all the legs together, we left in the Lilac Purple color as a tie-in to all the variations we had achieved with the tops. Once dry, all we had to do is put it all back together. Which seemed to go faster seeing as we had become more familiar with all the separate parts.

The level of skill required for this project depends on the complexity of the stand. A simple stand could be for beginners, and the more complicated it is, the more it suits intermediate to experienced crafters. But the method of creating marble effect surfaces can be achieved by anyone.

Considering the potential variation in shapes and sizes of stands, there is probably no more than 60 to 90 minutes of working time. We recommend approaching this project without haste to get the best results you can. The final plant/flower stand will be an amazing addition to your home leaving you with the new possibility to go shopping for new plants and flowers every season.

Another job well done and another success to your DIY achievement list. Great work.

Happy Crafting!