Customized Easter Eggs

Glamorous Easter Eggs the easy way

Where do all the days go? Christmas seemed like it was only yesterday and it feels like Easter is tomorrow. It’s a good thing you have a calendar. Time for an Easter lunch in the sun. The guests have confirmed, the wine is in the fridge and you even managed to find the perfect outfit at your favourite little boutique. But what about the Easter decorations? Don’t worry, we have a fantastic decoration idea for you that is easy to make and glamorous at the same time.

With Montana spray paints, you can turn simple eggs in ornate table decoration in no time at all. Where ever you are its easy to turn a lick of paint, the envy of any home decorator.

STEP BY STEP: Customized Easter Eggs

  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print
Note: We recommend to wear a respirator mask for additional safety


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pair of gloves
  • 3 colors of Montana GOLD
  • 1 masking Tape
  • 1 old Newspaper


  1. Be sure to cover your workspace with foil or newspaper to protect from spray dust. Hard boil your eggs and allow to cool down. When dry, place a skewer carefully into the bottom of each egg. (but how? Did you pin prick both sides and blow out the inners? Or are they hard boiled? I assumed hard boiled so added it to the text)..
  2. Put your gloves on and shake the can for at least two to three minutes. This ensures the perfect paint mixture. Make sure to remove the black safety ring from under the nozzle. Then replace the nozzle back on carefully.
  3. Hold skewer at the base allowing your egg to be totally free. Spray the egg until it is fully covered with paint. Better to apply several thin layers to avoid drips or uneven coating. For best results, spray at a distance of apx. 20-30cm from the object.
  4. Stick the skewer into the foam so that the egg can dry without touching anything. If you like, spray it a second time with a EFFECT spray (e.g. MARBLE). Or to create a nice gradient with another GOLD Line color. For best results, allow to dry for five minutes before re-coating.

It’s that easy! ALLSPRAYPAINTED Easter Eggs. Just repeat with as many eggs as you like. Tip: visit the MontanaCans HOW TO page for advise on how to use the EFFECT Sprays!

* duration of project can vary depending on user skillz or outside temperature (different drying times)